
The picture of Artane industrial school that emerges from Fr Henry Moore's 1962 report is of a drab, dysfunctional and monotonous place with institutionalised cruelty and inadequate facilities. Paul Cullen reports. Education standards were low, the boys were poorly fed and clothed and 80 per cent emigrated after leaving. Discipline is "rigid and severe and frequently approaches pure regimentation".

Location: Ireland

The Ryan Report I hold fast to the view that there must be no more deals, secret or otherwise done between Religious orders and the Government of Ireland without indepth consultation with people who were abused while in the care of religious orders or the state.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Christian brothers Methods of Teaching 2

From the Christian Brothers Instruction Manual

The Christian Brothers issued public apologies in the press and elsewhere for inflicting years of physical and sexual abuse on the schoolboys put in its charge. They were always a strange lot, religious brothers, and the Christian Brothers were the strangest of the lot. The whole thing about the Christian Brothers ­ brutality wasn't an unfortunate byproduct, it was a selling point. The use of canes, straps, rulers and belts was something to be proud of, to boast about, to advertise.

Frequently they were wielded by run of the mill sadists, occasionally by out and out madmen. ... famously remember the boy who was challenged to own up to something he hadn't done. He was hit repeatedly on the hands whilst the demented Brother demanded he owned up. His hands were visibly swelling before finally he falsely owned up just to stop the beating. He was then given another 12 for having lied in the first place.

This became a real scandal when three days later the same Brother was knocked unconscious by his victim's older brother on the Gaelic football pitch. Revenge like that was rare, and severely punished. There were also the 'weirdos', as they used to be called, who would mix corporal punishment with fumbling and fondling in a way that was never quite blatant, and often only became clearer in retrospect, as it was usually reserved for younger boys.

Their apologies, however, are not unique. They follow a succession of priests who have been exposed as child abusers. They follow nuns who have half heartedly apologised for the misery, humiliation and violence they bestowed on girls [and boys] in their care.

Written by famous Irish politician. The Catholic Church in Irish society is not without power today, but it's a power that has dwindled beyond belief from the days of my childhood. Then their crimes would never have been exposed, and they certainly would never have apologised for anything. So their apologies are those of a waning church. Written by famous Irish politician.


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